Welcome to your Five-fold

Ephesians chapter 4 lists five unique gifts that are given by God in order to build His body, the called out ones, also described as 'ecclesia'. These are the ones that have been called out of darkness into the light; God's eternal purpose. The context of these gifts are the very being of God. He is their origin and they have an eternal purpose. Through the redeemed they are again restored to their God-given purpose.

You will find a range of statements that you need to evaluate. The intent is that they aid you in clarifying which of the gifts are potentially the strongest in your life. The five that are listed in Ephesians are: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd and Teacher.

As with all assessments of this kind it remains your responsibility to steward the information you receive. This may be helpful for your further growth and development, and for assisting you in going deeper in God's purpose for your life.

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All the best!

I enjoy teaching.

It comes natural for me to get involved with people that struggle.

I enjoy solving problems

Once I have an idea I want to create a movement around it

Being an instructor suits me well.

I am a keen observer.

I enjoy marketing and sales.

The interpersonal is natural for me.

A God-given calling requires action

I frequently seek to bring peace and harmony.

I see myself as a messenger.

I often seek to communicate my message through my gifts.

Others come to me when they need help.

I like to shape opinions.

Winning others to believe what I believe is natural to me.

I long for others to be healed and restored.

I am future oriented

I come across as knowledgeable.

I like to learn from the past.

I use a lot of my time thinking and philosophizing.

I am relational and seek community.

I enjoy recruiting and mobilizing people.

I like to interpret and discover meaning.

I come across as inspiring.

I like sharing my insights with others.

I am a storyteller.

I am adventurous

I often enter a parental role in my relationships.

I always seek the best for everyone.

I enjoy creating culture

I am passionate to share about the Gospel/Kingdom of God with other people.

I sense a calling to get people back to God and Truth.

I very much enjoy doing research.

I am comfortable with what is abstract.

I very much enjoy being a messenger.

An innovative idea must be implemented

It is very hard for me to compromise my convictions.

I have a need to protect and defend others.

I want to fight for an important cause.

I am engaged and animated when I communicate.

I long for reformation.

I enjoy helping others.

I am an entrepreneur type of person

My way of thinking often comes across as revolutionary.

I often feel that I go against the current.

If something is wrong in a situation, I am the one who speaks up about it, or I am strongly drawn towards speaking up.

I can see what needs to change in a situation

I don't consider myself when I help others.

Pioneering is natural to me

Starting something new inspires me